Must Love Corsos Rescue is a community-based non-profit rescue dedicated to saving the lives of neglected and abandoned Cane Corsos.

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Adoption FAQ

To help you make an informed decision on the adoption of a rescued Corso through our organization, MLCR has compiled a list of FAQs and responses. We hope you find this information beneficial and informative, as our goal is to ensure adoption of a rescued Corso is done successfully and as a lifetime commitment.

What are a few benefits of adopting a rescued Corso?
  • MLCR Corsos are already spayed/neutered, vaccinated, microchipped, and current on heartworm and flea/tick prevention when adopted

  • Most MLCR Corsos are usually full-grown and have been residing in foster homes, so you have a better idea of what you are getting in terms of size and temperament

  • MLCR’s adoption fees are drastically less than the cost of purchasing a puppy from a reputable breeder

  • But, most importantly, you know you are giving a deserving Corso a forever home, and the Corso knows it, too. The bond between a rescued Corso and their new family is immensely strong. And, yes you can teach an old dog new tricks…we do it all the time
What is the Must Love Corsos Rescue adoption process?

Step 1: Ensure the Cane Corso is the right breed for you and your family.

Step 2: Complete and submit a comprehensive adoption application in its entirety.

Step 3: Contact your veterinarian to release records; contact your references and landlord/homeowner to let them know a volunteer from Must Love Corsos Rescue will be contacting them and encourage them to respond promptly.

Step 4: Within 48 hours of submitting an application to adopt you will receive an electronic confirmation of receipt of the application from MLCR. Please save it as it contains a copy of your application as submitted and can be beneficial should there be an issue in the future.

Step 5: Be patient, the application vetting process takes about 3-4 weeks to complete as it involves background checks, follow-up with veterinarians, references, and homeowners, as well as time to document results. We take the vetting of our applicants very seriously as we want the best for the Corsos in our care as well as the families who desire to adopt.

Step 6: If your application to adopt is successfully vetted, MLCR will proceed with the scheduling of a home visit with one of its skilled, vetted volunteers. (Home Visit Requirement: It is the policy of MLCR that all members (humans and animals) living in the home be present during the home visit. Since the Corso is a companion to the family, it is imperative that all family members be an integral part of the decision and process.)

Step 7: After successful vetting of the application and completion of the home visit, a telephone interview will be conducted with a member of the Must Love Corsos Rescue Board of Directors. The purpose of this call is to discuss our findings, to suggest Cane Corsos that would be a good match for your family, as well as, to strengthen our relationship with you.

Step 8: The adoption ensues, and the particulars of contracts, support, and transportation are arranged and recognized.

Step 9: You welcome your Cane Corso into the family and MLCR welcomes you into ours!!

When should my Corso feel comfortable at home?

3 Days to Decompress

  • Feeling overwhelmed
  • May feel scared or unsure of what’s going on
  • Not comfortable enough to be themselves
  • May not want to eat or drink
  • Shuts down and/or hides under furniture
  • Tests boundaries

3 Weeks to Decompress

  • Starts settling in
  • Feels more comfortable
  • Realizes this could be his forever home
  • Figures out his environment
  • Gets into a routine
  • Lets their guard down, may begin to show his true personality 
  • Behavior issues may start to appear

3 Months to Decompress

  • Finally feels completely comfortable in their home
  • Begins to build trust and a true bond
  • Gains a complete sense of security with his new family
  • Settles into a routine
    Downloadable Chart
Where is the Cane Corso located?

The state in which the rescued Corso resides is published on his/her adoption page of the website. Must Love Corsos Rescue does not publish or share specific locations of a Corso because s/he is residing in a home with a family. We will not jeopardize the safety of our Corsos or the family, nor will we violate the family’s right to privacy.

Must I live in the state in which the Corso resides?

No, but you must reside within the continental United States or the District of Columbia (DC) region. Must Love Corsos Rescue has an exceptional group of volunteers who will move heaven and earth to get a Corso into the arms of their loving family.

To do this, a Corso Convoy, Corso Cabbies, is set up,volunteers drive the Corso through a leg of thier journey home. We often ask the adoptive family to drive a good portion of the transport.

MLCR does not recommend transporting a Corso home via commercial airlines, trains, or other agencies. Corso does best traveling as a single pet. Most corsos do not require crating during transport. We do recommend tethering the corso in the back seat or back area of the vehicle. Corso’s are never transported in the open bed of a truck…EVER!

Who can I contact to inquire about an available Corso?

Must Love Corsos Rescue will discuss Corsos after your application is submitted and approved. As a 100% volunteer-based organization, we all have commitments to full-time employment and families, we just don’t have the resources available to engage in conversations about the dogs unless you are an approved adopter or foster.

All MLCR resources are devoted to serving and caring for our rescues, supporting our adoptive and foster families, as well as, processing applications for adoption. These are the most critical aspects of our rescue, which allows us to save more Corso lives and affords Corsos currently in our care with their happy-ever-after experience.

Can I meet the Corso before I adopt?

A meeting can be arranged as long as it is within a reasonably short window of time because there may be other families that would be a good match for the Corso in need and in all likelihood there is another Corso in need of rescue. Most adoptions occur without the family meeting the Corso in advance, and most are highly successful which is a direct correlation to our adoption processes.

Also, time and cost of transportation is the sole responsibility of the potential adopter and will never be deducted from the adoption donation. All requested Corso meetings must be done so through a member of the board – not through the foster – there are no exceptions.

Can I adopt the Corso I picked on the website?

If the Corso is available and deemed to be a good match for your family, then we will try to accommodate your desire.

In most instances, the Corso you selected was based on his/her physical appearance and MLCR examines many more critical factors than a sight connection. Such as but not limited to, known history with children, other dogs and animals, prey drives, and medical needs. Just as important to MLCR is the evaluation of the family’s needs and dynamics, which is the reason for a comprehensive adoption process. Must Love Corsos Rescue knows our Corsos and comes to know your family so we will often suggest Corsos that will successfully integrate into your family.

What are the expected Adoption Donations?

As a 501c3 non-profit organization, MLCR relies solely on donations to maintain and sustain the rescue. These donations such as the adoption donation allow MLCR to acquire medical care for sick and elderly Corsos.

We microchip to track a Corso back to our rescue that might have been stolen, lost, and/or has ended up in a shelter or with an animal control officer. To address overpopulation of the breed all rescued Corsos are spayed or neutered prior to adoption. We also have to pay required shelter ‘pull-fees’ (most shelters require a pull-fee for rescues that ranges anywhere from $40 to $150 per dog and some shelters do not vet dogs prior to release).

Must Love Corsos Rescue requires a $25 non-refundable donation to be submitted at the time the adoption application is submitted.

MLCR requests a minimum adoption donation that is age-based:
$600 for Corso puppies under 1 year of age
$500 for Corsos over 1 year and under 3 years of age
$400 for Corsos over 3 years and under 5 years of age
$300 for Corsos over 5 years and under 7 years of age
$200 for Grey Muzzles over 7 years of age

Must Love Corsos Rescue hopes our candor will support your decision making in relation to adopting a Cane Corso through our organization. With every fiber of our being, we sincerely appreciate the time you’ve invested in learning about the breed and the consideration you’ve given our rescue. But, most importantly, we appreciate your recognition of the seriousness involved in adoption and the understanding that the decision to do so is a lifelong commitment to a living being who will be solely dependent on your care, guidance, and compassion. Collectively, Must Love Corsos Rescue is making a difference – One Corso, One Human – at a time.

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